Black and Beautiful by Carlos Fama

Spanish digital artist, Carlos Fama, always goes deep into the human psyche with his work. His creations are as much a celebration of humanity as it is a bright celebration of the strong Black woman. He uses collages and photo manipulation to create surreal vistas and landscapes - for example, a beautiful image of Naomi Campbell is transposed on a golden, desert horizon, but with bright tropical birds adorning her. A lovely depiction of both femininity and strength.

What’s more, Fama’s Instagram feed is a treasure trove of motivation accompanying each beautiful digital collage. Through his work, he encourages us to love ourselves, to stand back up after failure, to be persistent so we conquer all, essentially, to rise.

See a few of our favorite works from the digital artist below.

Find out more about Carlos Fama’s work on Instagram. He also has a rich portfolio of NFTs across multiple marketplaces - check them out via these links.