Blinded by Patriarchy by Azuka Muoh

Nigerian artist, Azuka Muoh uses beautiful bold colors and inspiration from her daily life to talk about an endemic societal issue - patriarchy. In a surreal way that encompasses both daily life and otherworldliness, she shows that patriarchy is everywhere, whether we acknowledge it consciously or not. 

This is why she represents it in the form of car tires that cover the faces of each subject who are just living their lives. But the tires are hardened and rugged, which make them an unexpectedly perfect avatar to illustrate the issue. Their eyes are covered almost as if patriarchy blinds them to some aspects of reality and possibilities. And whether it’s a girl reading a book in her room, or boys and men hard at work in the streets, patriarchy and its dangers surround them all. 

See our favorite works from the digital artist below.

Find out more about Azuka Muoh, a.k.a. Arresting Yellow on Instagram and her website (she’s also a photographer and film producer), and purchase her prints from Better Shared.