Northern Pops with Williams Chechet

Nigerian artist, Williams Chechet, brings us notions of the past, present and future of Nigeria in his beautiful pop art. He merges Nigeria’s history with the new digital world, where the influence of digital tools such as social media is having a greater impact than imagined. Here, historical images are juxtaposed with pop art bursting with all colors of the rainbow and with features and images that are supposedly out of place and really shouldn’t work at first. But Chechet brings them together seamlessly, in harmony.

His use of archival images of Northern Nigeria invites viewers to be curious about Nigeria’s traditions and culture; about where we come from, but through the lens of a colorful, hopeful and even fun future too. Chechet’s work is glaring and unique, and we can’t wait to see what this digital artist will do next. See some of his works below.

You can purchase some of Williams Chechet’s prints here, and even get to know him more by reading this interesting interview