Boateng and Ghanaian Beauty

Photographer, Derrick Ofosu Boateng, sees the beauty in everyday life in Ghana and captures this through his iPhone. This accidental photographer has done his work well, we would say - he has pulled everyone into his world of beauty as evidenced by all the Instagram followings and features he has had in such a short time. This is the kind of representation we need for Africa.

Portraying beauty is one of Derrick’s main aims, because he strives to change perceptions about Ghana and Africa in general. “Africa is not portrayed in a nice way,” he says. “Especially in movies and in the news.” He feels that many stories about the continent are exaggerated and is subsequently keen to draw people’s attention to the culture he knows and loves. ~ WePresent

Boateng takes these everyday images and makes them pop by editing with surreal colours, e.g. a yellow sky, or a pink lake. He knows or talks to most of his subjects, reflecting this as best he can in his images.

We hope you see the beauty of Africa that Boateng himself sees in these images below.

See more of Derrick Ofosu Boateng’s work here.