Prince Gyasi Celebrates Life Phases

No matter your race, background, status, or even species actually, we all go through the same life phases - from infancy to childhood, adulthood and old age. As we go through these, we experience different thoughts and psychologies - some more markedly in a particular phase than others.

Ghanaian photographer, Prince Gyasi, shows this in his Phases photo series, once again shot on iPhone. For example, he demonstrates dignity in a vibrant image of a boy with his head held high underneath a kaleidoscope of colours. In another image, he has an elderly man looking across a vista of hills, reflecting on all the life experiences and lessons he has had. In yet another, he has a couple bogged down by responsibilities in their adulthood.

As usual, Gyasi pulls us into his world of colours and makes us realise that at every life phase we are in, we should enjoy both the little and big things because we soon pass on to the next phase. See some of the images from the series below.

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See more of Prince Gyasi’s work here.