Benon Lutaaya's Children

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Late Ugandan artist, Benon Lutaaya, focused his work on close up portraits, usually faces, of children. Through his art, Lutaaya was dedicated to speaking about poverty and impoverishment, especially how this relates to children.

His portraits usually depict children of indiscriminate gender who have gone through suffering, but despite all are still hopeful, with their eyes seeing past the horizon towards better days to come. In his life, Lutaaya also donated much towards helping children out of poverty, a situation he experienced himself.

His creations are characterised by a mix of old papers and paint. He got into paper collages because he couldn’t afford art supplies, but now the style is uniquely his and a main reason why he had collectors lined up awaiting his works in 2019.

See some of his work below.

Learn more about the artist here.