Temi Coker and His Joyful Posters

Nigerian-American photographer and graphic designer, Temi Coker, brings us joy with his posters! The first thing you’ll notice is an explosion of color. You can’t miss it. Each poster is literally bursting with life. His subjects are taken from photographs and muted into black and white; but this works so well because the colors are everywhere, somehow putting even more spotlight on the black and white portraits.

This eruption of paint and pigments is a nod to Coker’s culture, which he says inspires him with its West African patterns and colors. We also feel like Coker might be visualizing the ever constant music (his first love) that he creates to.

What do you think? Check out some of the posters below.

And see more from Temi Coker on his Instagram - he's got the A Poster A Day series that's simply fascinating!