Van Weeghel's For Sarah

In this photo series titled For Sarah (2016), Dagmar Van Weeghel tells the story of Sarah Forbes Bonetta, who was a princess in a village in Ogun State (Nigeria). At only 4 years old, she lost her family when her village in Oke-Odan was attacked in a slave raid by King Gezo of Dahomey, a notorious slave trader. It’s not clear why she wasn’t sold or killed, but after staying with Gezo for about 2 years, she was ‘rescued’ by a British Commander named Forbes. Forbes noticed her and persuaded Gezo to gift her to Queen Victoria.

She was baptized and given the name Sarah. Forbes was impressed by her intelligence and put her above white children of her age. He praised her aptness for English and music. When he took her to meet Queen Victoria in Great Britain, the Queen was also impressed by her acuteness. The Queen ended up being her godmother when Forbes died early, and Sarah was known to be a frequent visitor in Windsor Castle

This is an inspiring story of luck and ability, but of course, strife. Who knows what Sarah would have also gone through - she probably always felt out of place despite her new elevated station. She represents this beautifully in her works below.

Weeghel has a twist in her photoresist though - she takes the success story of Sarah and turns it on its head towards the Other Sarahs photographed in an orphanage in Nigeria. These girls may never be adopted like Sarah was, but Weeghel hopes that this works will give them some much needed attention and help to find them new and nurturing homes. Just like Sarah, each of these girls have been through a lot, but there are still hopeful for a better and brighter future.

See more of Dagmar Van Weeghel’s work here. And check out Dodho for the original story