With Your Tribe by Asiko

Who you are and how far you go are largely shaped by the people around you. Your tribe. A tribe, community, circle, that uplifts and supports you is a blessing in itself. Surrounding yourself with people who think like you, have similar values, and who give and take in equal amounts to the individual and collective benefit of the tribe is a special thing indeed.

Nigerian visual artist, Asiko, uses AI art to celebrate this uplifting and inspiring community. In his digital art brought to life through AI, Asiko depicts people standing strong alone, but also backed and supported by a community of like minds. Individuals lend their strength to each other to create magic together; a group lend their strength to an individual to edify him at that moment; tomorrow will be their turn to be edified.

The images Asiko has created are magical. See them below.

Find out more about Asiko’s digital and AI art on his Instagram. We also appreciate his works so much that we’ve featured him many times over the years here!